
What truth might it be for you that your body is seeking but your mind is scared to reveal?

Reflection and avoidance. Oddly intertwined in application. If two minutes of reflection time can gift you back hours of revitalisation, energy, perspective, motivation, productivity, focus, clarity, hope and… truth, guess which one from that list is the one you might be avoiding?

To reflect asks us to commit to being honest with ourselves about what ISN’T working, and, in a busy day and a pressured life - who has time to reveal and deal with what isn’t working?

I’ll tell you: anyone that genuinely wants change. Not someone that has sayings on their wall that claim change is good, and change is bold, yet takes no risks, but someone who is WILLING to look into the darkness and the unknown and dare to say “there’s a chance that what’s ahead of me in the unknown is better than this, there’s a chance it isn’t, but either way - it’s time to try something new and not fear the failure of it if that’s all I come out with. Greatness might also be awaiting me on the other side. I'm ready to embrace the opportunity of that”.

So, if you’re avoiding reflection time for any one of the many reasons that we all do from time to time, there’s a chance that it’s a specific truth you’re avoiding, not the reflection practice itself.

What truth might it be for you that your body is seeking but your mind is scared to reveal?

Tessa Brooks