Workshop: Flux to Flow

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Flux to Flow is a standalone workshop that focuses on energy balance within the menstrual cycle. This workshop empowers you to harness your strengths and tap into your power, regardless of which day of your cycle you’re on, which environment you're navigating, or what you need your energy for.

Next virtual workshops:

Flux to Flow, 14th April 2024, 09.00-10.30am BST

Flux to Flow, 18th April 2024, 10.00-11.30am PDT

£35. Reserve your space now - it’s an intimate workshop with limited places.


Flux to Flow is a workshop where you can learn how to chart your energy as it shifts with your menstrual cycle, whilst taking into consideration the demands and expectation of your daily requirements.

As an outcome of the workshop you’ll be able to recognise what fuels your energy; how to harness it; understand how you impact and influence others at different times, and how you can wield the natural energy within you AND around you, no matter what day of your cycle it is.

What it looks like: Flux to Flow is a 45-60 minute virtual workshop, followed by an optional 15-min Q&A session should you wish to find specific solutions to your unique challenges. If you want to ask questions and share examples you’re welcome to, but there is no obligation to do so and you can have your camera off and microphone on mute if that’s your preference. On completion you will receive the summary workbook. A free one-to-one follow-up is available should you have personal questions you’d like to ask.

What it feels like: There will be encouragement to stand and move at intervals throughout the workshop duration to support your posture, breathing and mental well-being, but how you conduct yourself through the session’s duration is your choice. The content is comprehensive but fast-paced to enhance engagement and absorption of new information. The broad science is covered in the first half and presented in an easy-to-understand format, so that we can focus on more personalised and applicable solutions in the latter half. We consider the areas of confidence throughout the menstrual cycle that are affected by your body, environment, social network, culture, resources and capacity.

can you relate to this?

If this rollercoaster of expressions feels familiar to you, book your space on the next Flux to Flow workshop and discover how to finally free yourself of the seemingly uncontrollable ups and downs, and replace that with consistent calm.

Is this the best option for you? This workshop is good for getting a platform understanding of a complex topic. It provides the opportunity to personalise your learning and springboard into more related areas that might affect you on a deeper level.