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Next Talk:

Friday 27th August 2021

want to listen in?

Would you benefit from a self-esteem boost by audio? Once a fortnight you have the opportunity to listen in and discover how you can tap into a hidden skill that you already own: Quiet Confidence.

Join via the Dive app and with your exclusive invite.

curious about how confidence works?

Learn how your innate power, capacity and influence can serve you in relationships, at work, with family, and everywhere you want greater connection. These talks offer insights and wisdom on the psychology of your self-esteem, how to tap into it, what its derailers are, and how to apply yourself with ease and flow.

want to feel supercharged?

Join the live broadcast every other Friday at 12.00 BST through the Dive app, an exclusive platform of conversations where you can listen, learn and join in whenever you want. Free, easy, and no obligation.

Future talks are listed here and on Instagram.

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confidence: apparent or authentic?

Think of someone confident. What is it that tells you they’re confident? Now ask yourself: is that confidence perceived or real? Want to know the difference? And when, why and how YOU feel confident? Join the fun tomorrow to find out.

13th August 2021

fuelling your rebel: why restriction leads to excess

Sometimes, your brain appears to do the opposite of what you asked it to do; it rebels against what you value and manages to avoid your somatic cures. I’ll explain on this talk why this is, and simultaneously reveal how it’s all down to interpretation.

25th June 2021

The myths of Self Sabotage, and why you are its commander

When your actions don’t align to your intentions, or your behaviours don’t correlate with your values, it’s easy to call that self sabotage. On this talk we’ll reveal why we do the opposite of what we want, and how to follow through with what we do want, with ease.

18th June 2021


Punching from your feet

The impact of your punch is initially determined by your feet. Discover through this talk why you need your eyes to smile, why your hands are doing the talking, and reveal the story that your body is telling on your behalf, from the ground up!

4th June 2021

the power and impact of what you aren’t saying

Your body language is always making statements, even if your mouth is not. Join this talk to learn how to read others, have influence and command, and unravel your unspoken impact.

28 May 2021